Wellness Center
Ms. Galvez and Mr. Gray
CARE Center Counselor
Michael Gray
Room 701W
Phone: 562-591-0581 ext 5898
CARE Center Annex
Ms. Galvez (School Social Worker)
Email: cgalvez@lbschools.net
Phone: (562) 591-0581 ext. 5137
Room 124
Hours: 8 am to 4:30 pm
Both centers are closed for summer, but will reopen when school begins on August 30th.
Care Center Annex Newsletters
CARE Center
Counseling, Assistance, Resource & Education (CARE Center) is a multi-service mental health center for the Long Beach Polytechnic campus. The CARE center supports the academic and student development missions of the Long Beach Unified school district.
YOU CAN GET HELPFUL INFORMATION FROM OUR CARE Center GOOGLE CLASSROOM. Use the Classroom Code Y4shqrt with you Gmail Account OR luyzlvb with your District Email Account. You can grab an Interactive Pamphlet to help with Anxiety, Depression, Addiction, Breath Work, Grief & Loss, and other topics.
CHECK OUT OUR CARE Center YouTube Channel 2gether Tuesday for helpful videos.
The mission of the CARE center is to provide programs, services and educational experiences which promote the academic success of Polytechnic students and enhance the quality of campus life.
The CARE Center has been successful in promoting positive personal growth and self-management for Poly students for TWENTY FOUR years.
Poly students can be referred by teachers, administrators, parents or themselves. The issues range from common teen stressors such as: academic failure, dating, relationships, conflict resolution, low self-esteem and internet bullying to suicidal ideations and sexual harassment/assault. The CARE center also provides group counseling support for anxiety, anger management, grief and loss, and social skills on an as needed basis. The center sees approximately 1500 students annually.
Developing Future Mental Health Professionals is a CARE Center program that provides interested students to learn fundamental counseling skills and techniques which promotes the success of students. They focus on conflict mediation, outreach, follow up and referral services. Peer counselors are available to serve you.
The Care Center Annex is an addition to the existing Care Center to further promote the wellness and academic success of our Poly students by addressing their social-emotional needs and identifying appropriate resources to support our students and families.
Services offered:
Wellness check-ins
Short-term counseling
Linkage to school-based mental counseling (i.e. The Guidance Center) and community-based referrals (ie. Walk with Sally, Pathways Hospice)
Student support groups
Parent workshops
Classroom presentations on wellness-related topics
Resources for housing, clothing, food bank, school services, supplies, and more
Advocacy and Empowerment support
To submit a referral, please use the following link: Student Support Services Referral 2023-2024 Thank you for your interest in our Care Center. As soon as your referral is processed, we will be contacting you to schedule an appointment. The answers to the following questions will help guide us to best serve your needs. We look forward to meeting with you! What students have said about the Care Center Annex: |
"Each time I come in here, I feel safe and comfortable."
"The Annex is welcoming and warm."
"I feel like I can be myself and say how I feel."
"I appreciate the support and resources I receive."